Wednesday 27 June 2012

Finding my purpose

For years I have thought that my purpose was my job.  Last night, that idea crumbled. 

I was doing some personal development work - Byron Katie's The Work - when I realised that I had been afraid of failing in my career.  This had prevented me from applying for jobs I could have done, but in which feared I might fail. 

When I turned this belief around I discovered I had also been afraid of succeeding in my career.  This had prevented me from applying for jobs I could have done, but in which feared I might succeed. 

When I turned that belief around I discovered I had also been afraid of mediocrity in my career.  This had prevented me from applying for jobs I could have done, but in which feared I might be bored. 

As that idea settled, and I got past my Ego's embarrassment at making no sense to myself, a realisation dawned.  My purpose in life is to become clear in myself.  It has never been about my job.  It has always been about myself, about inner clarity, about aligning with my soul, as consciously as I can.

Jobs have come and gone.  Some I have loved, and some I have loathed; but my passion has always been increasing my level of self awareness.  It was so obvious, I never got it.  My passion is my purpose: it is my soul journey.

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