Monday 1 February 2010

Why following your dream matters

So often I hear of people who had an idea for something they wanted to do; over days, months and even years, it niggled away in their mind, floating in and out of their day dreams. But they decided not to pursue their dream. Why?

Sometimes it is because 'someone else is doing something like that anyway, and there isn't room for another'. If that were the case, there would only be one hotel in London, one gallery in New York, and one computer processor manufacturer! And we know that simply isn't the case!

Our dreams are the whispers of our intuition. Our dreams call us towards our fullest potential, towards our purpose here on earth. Our reoccurring day dreams are the signposts to our inner greatness.

Even if there are many others in the field that inspires you, give your dream some serious attention. It is calling to you for a reason.

It is never exactly the same as anyone else's dream. Each dream is like a single note in a symphony. Even if there are many other violins playing that same note, each note from each violinist is vital to the beauty and complexity of that piece of music. Just as your dream is vital to the beauty and complexity of this planet.

Giving dreams the space to breathe and develop fills us with a sense of accomplishment and a deeper experience of contributing to the greater good. So, take another look at your day dreams: what are they whispering to you? Where does your heart truly lie? How could you incorporate your dream into your life more fully?

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