Tuesday 2 March 2010

On Trust and Patience

I'm clearly fascinated by values at the moment!  I've never really considered how they link together before but I have a new ritual at the moment.  Each morning I pull two angel cards to mull over at the back of my mind, during the day.  It seems a more worthwhile way of investing my time than many other thoughts I have!

Today's cards were trust and patience.  As I thought about them through the day, I realised that when we trust in something - or someone - we develop greater patience.  We believe we will get the outcome we seek, so it's easier to release control and allow events to unfold in their natural flow.

Equally, the flip side of this coupling also seems true to me: when I am patient, it is because I trust that good things will happen.  There's no need to rush or manipulate, I can simply be and allow 'what is' to unfold in its own way.

There is, of course, inherent in both of these positions, the possibility that the outcome is completely different from my ideal outcome.  In that case, I go straight back to Trust!  I have discovered, many times, that what I think is the ideal solution is not always for the greatest good.  Heck, sometimes it doesn't even support my greatest good!  When the outcome is a wildcard, I become curious, 'oh, a wildcard from the Universe... what does this mean?  Where's the gift in this?'

I have friends who think I am naive, but I would much rather live in my world, where I believe that there is always a golden lining to everything, if we can only understand a wider perspective.  Reaching for that wider perspective can be challenging, but it's always exhilarating, often humbling and it's never a wasted effort.

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