Tuesday 2 April 2013

The 'Why' of You

'What should I do?'  It's a common question and one that is asked with increasing frequency.  There's an even better question.

Why am I here? 

Another way of phrasing this is 'What's my legacy?'  What is it that I leave behind?  What is the imprint I leave behind? 

But asking the questions in that order: Why am I here?  What's my legacy?  allows us to dip into the deeper truth of who we are, it allows our Inner Angel to speak.  It may only be a whisper at first, but revisiting the question, as a way of honouring who we are, reveals greater and greater insight.

When what we do is aligned with why we are here (our legacy), we have touched the very essence of who we are.  Then we begin to come into alignment: our why, what and who are in harmony.  Then we what we do, no matter how humble it may seem, becomes infinitely powerful because it is aligned with the deepest essence of who we are, our divine destiny.

Don't worry if it's not clear at the start.  Just follow your small hunches.  It gets clearer as we revisit it.  Don't worry if you can't take great strides towards it today.  Just take small steps.  Don't worry if it's less of a footprint and more of a fragrence that you bring to life, most, if not all legacies, are intangible, they are about who we become through the process of life.

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